Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) – LEO Pharma Young Researcher Award 2024

Antineoplastic properties of metformin in EB-associated aggressive cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma

Patients with the rare and incurable genetic skin disease RDEB (recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa) have a very high risk of developing aggressive skin cancer and dying prematurely. The results of a recent study suggest that the antidiabetic drug metformin may be effective in inhibiting both types of energy production in the malignant cells and thus influencing tumor growth.

As part of this research work, Dr. Tobias Welponer, Salzburg, was awarded the LEO Pharma Young Researcher Award ÖGDV. In a double interview, we spoke with him and his colleague Dr. Josefina Pinon Hofbauer, Salzburg, about the results, which are particularly important from a research point of view, and asked what can be derived from them for future therapeutic options.

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